Saturday, January 11, 2014

You can call me flower if you want to....

One of our volunteer's husbands works at a local garden center here.  On occasion they would find a random kitten or two in their greenhouse.  The rescue was asked if we could partner with them from time to time if there was a kitten in need and we agreed.  One day, during a really bad rain shower, I got a call about this little kitten who needed me.  My foster room was empty so I said yes.

This little spitfire kitten was in the crate.  She was orange.  I decided to name her Petunia because of where she came from.  She was a nervous, 5 month old kitten.

She had crusted on dirt on her nose and a scratch or two there also.  She spent most of her time in the crate, so I put a fluffy blanket in there.  She would let me pet her and spend time with her, so I knew she wasn't feral and that she would be adoptable.

Her fur was rough and she was underweight.  She needed some good, high quality food and some love.  She got both.  When she would let me, I would wash her nose with a warm wash cloth to try to get the dirt off.  I loved her coloring.

After a few days with me, she started to warm up and would come by me.  She was very cautious, though.  She was happy to have a warm, dry place to live and we were happy to have her.  She loved to play with this feather wand that I bought for my cats.  They didn't care for it but she LOVED that thing.

So much that I had to take it out of the room with me when I left.  She wouldn't do anything else if that thing was in there.  I called it her bff wand.

Bella is always such a little mom to the fosters we have here long term.  Petunia was a single foster and so after a month of being here, she got to hang with the big kids.  She loved tormenting Bing.  She also LOVED to play.  This kitten could not get enough of playing.  She would choose to play over eating or sleeping.  Her nose was almost all the way healed and soon it would be time to get her spayed.

She then went to the adoption center to wait for her forever home.  Now here comes the fun part.  My friend and her partner were there "just looking".   I knew what "just looking' meant because the first time I was there, I was "just looking" also.  I was excited because they had just adopted a kitten from our rescue not so long before that.  I knew what great people they were and I wanted them to "just look" at Petunia.  I had a secret plan.  I knew that once they met her, they would love her (and her story) and take her home.  My plan worked!   She would have a wonderful home to spend her life in.  She would have a couple of cat sisters to hang out with and I couldn't think of a more loving home for her.

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