Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So no one told you life was gonna be this way.......

I am a big fan of the TV show Friends.  It was decided that the next group of babies I would get, I would name after the Friends TV show characters.  I was asked if I wanted to foster 4 boys.  All brothers.  All scared.  I decided what the heck.  After scared Lola, how hard could it be?

Cute, right?  I named them Joey (gray), Chandler Bing (black), Gunther (left orange) and Ross
(right orange).  They were very scared. Except Chandler.  He wanted attention all the time.  He was a funny,
 handsome and an extremely tiny little dude.

Joey was pretty shy but would come within reach to be pet.  He was so cute.  He always had a look on his face that said "How you doin'"  That's how I knew his name was Joey.

Gunther was sort of awkward and scared.  He was curious but found a safe haven in the blue circle.  He didn't think I could see him when he was in it.  I went along with it.  

And then there was Ross.  He was feral by all senses of the word.  He REFUSED to have anything to do with any sort of human contact.  He would hiss and growl and hide and run.  I was to "catch him and tough love" him.  Ha Ha!  

I spent a great deal of time in the foster room with all of them.  As time went on, Joey, Chandler and Gunther slowly got use to me and use to my picking them up and holding them.  Soon Joey and Chandler were comfortable with me being in there and Gunther was on his way to getting to that point.  I still didn't have Ross, though.  

I was so frustrated with Ross.  Cats LOVED me.  Why did this little 3 pound kitten not want to do anything but hiss and run away?  I kept working on all of them.  Chandler was the smallest.  When it came time for them to be neutered, Chandler had to stay behind.  He was 1 pound too small.  I made the mistake of letting him out of the foster room and into the 'general population'.  

I kept telling him that he didn't live here.  He was like 'whatever lady'.  The boys came back here to recover.  Then Gunther and Joey went to the center.  I am a little fuzzy when it comes to this part but for some reason I had Ross and Chandler here.  Joey and Gunther were at the adoption center.  Joey was adopted pretty fast. He turned into this very sweet little cat.  

One day, after many months of trying, I finally GOT Ross.  He came up to me and sat in my lap.  He let me pet him and he purred!!  I remember that day so well!  His reward was an open foster room door.  Chandler was all about that.  Ross was a little leary at first but then hopped on board!  He was snugly and playful and I really loved him.  I renamed him Milo and I was so close to keeping him.  

Almost.  Gunther was having a hard time at the adoption center, so Ross went back and hung out with him.  They were adopted by a very nice lady and I get to see them and their progress.  Gunther is now George and Ross is now Fred.  

That little spitfire named Chandler Bing?  He eventually went and got neutered and came back here for recovery.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to keep him.  I kept going back and forth on it.  A LOT.  Finally one day I got some courage and brought him to the adoption center.  I put him in a room and sat there for a minute.  He was scared.  I knew he would have been fine after a while but I couldn't leave him there.  I physically COULD NOT leave him.  I went back in, put him in his crate and came out and signed the adoption contract, paid my adoption fee and we went home.  

And that's how Chandler Bing came to live with us.   He is currently snuggled up in my arms purring away.  This is our nightly routine.  Chandler really enjoys tormenting his brother Sammy.  He loves his Sister Bella and Bella thinks Bing is her baby.  :)

This picture was taken the day I brought him back home from the adoption center.  I asked him,
"Chandler Bing, do you think it would be ok if you just lived here?" and this was his reaction. :)

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