Thursday, January 2, 2014

How I met Coco Chanel

There was this beautiful long haired white cat at the rescue named Coco Chanel.  She was returned because her former owner couldn't afford to take care of her medical needs.  Part of the requirement when you adopt a cat from our rescue is that if you can't take care of it, it comes back to us.  Coco came back with a very large abscess on her side. She started laser treatments and I decided that she would come to our house.  She was kind of getting better for a while but then the abscess grew and changed and it was decided that she needed a second opinion.  She was seen and she was to have surgery to remove it.  The abscess was more than half of her body and quickly multiplied.  She had surgery and it was removed.  She looked horrible.  The incision was large and I felt so bad for her.  She did amazing and was healing very well.

She spent a few months with me recovering and I loved having her here.  Sometimes rescue is really happy and sometimes it is really hard.  Coco recovered from her surgery.  Her hair was growing back.  I took her in for her check up and they found more spots.  This time they biopsied it and it was cancerous and spreading to her organs.  I was mad. After all of this, and that horrible surgery, she wasn't going to make it.  Instead of having her suffer through more surgeries, they decided to put her to sleep.   It was best in the situation.  I went into the vet even though I knew what was going to happen.  I wanted her to be with someone who loved her while she was here and to send her off to the 'rainbow bridge' knowing the lady who took care of her was there.  

Not all of my stories are going to be sad.  I am trying to go in some sort of order of the cats I have fostered.  It just happens that the first few were pretty rough.  Rescue is hard.  Rescue is rewarding.  Sometimes you have to go through the bad to get to the good.  

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