Thursday, March 27, 2014


So it has been a bit since I have written and I thought I would write about Lily.  She is a 2 year old calico that came from Florida.  Lily had 5 kittens that I fostered (see below post) and were all adopted.  She came to me from another foster home... they were going on vacation, so she came here.  Lily was a very shy, scared cat when she first came here.  She hid for 3 days.  Eventually she came out and began to explore.

A few weeks after she got here, she had to go in and get spayed.. no more babies for her!  She came home and regressed again... hiding.  That only lasted a day this time.  She healed up so nicely.

She met my cat Bing.  It was love at first sight.  They would hang out each night and it was cute to watch.
I did tell Bing that she wasn't staying.  The day came where I was to bring her to the adoption center.  I was having a very hard time with that.  I knew it was necessary as I couldn't keep her. She deserved better than to live here.  I was going to pack her up and bring her when I got a message that someone I knew wanted to foster to adopt her.  YES!! was my answer.  She is doing well so far and I hope everything works out. I miss her.  She's a sweet, wonderful girl.  She deserves a happy ending.  I will write about her again soon.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Florida in Wisconsin

I have FIVE kittens at my house right now.  Ella (fka daisy), Gus (fka Leo), Micky, Zoey and Pumpkin.  They are crazy cute!  Every time I go in the foster room, it's a symphony of purrs.  5 loud kitten purrs.  It's really cute.   They ALL are being adopted on Sunday.  The applications came in fast for them!  Zoey and Micky are heading together.  Here are some pictures....

Andi and Blaine were adopted today.  They were at another foster home who also has the fab 5's mama and Binx and Cinnamon (fka Si).  Cinnamon goes home on Saturday!  Binx will head to the adoption center soon for some extra love and mama needs to gain some weight and be spayed.  She might visit here while her foster mama is in Florida.  

There was one kitten that had to be left behind because she was sick.  She is all better now and working on a transport for her to get here.  Her name is Moo-Too or Moolan.  She is named after Dorian from 's cat Moo.  They look the same.  

She's about 7 months old or so and is a sweet girl.  She will be here soon (unless she gets adopted before that).  :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Eastbound and down...loaded up and truckin ......

We are in the midst of a transport from Florida to Wisconsin.  25 cats and kittens.  Most of them from Broward Animal Control in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to several different rescues in the North and East.  32 drivers helping to make this happen!  I was lucky enough to be able to coordinate with the rescue I volunteer for to take in 9 kittens and one mama cat.
Blaine and Andi

Mama and her crew



These cats will be fostered by myself and my friend and fellow cat lady, Nicole.  They will hopefully find amazing homes and it will be fun to have kittens here again!  They are currently located in St. Louis in some really great foster homes for the week and they will resume travel on Saturday and be here Saturday night.  

You can read about the other cats and kittens by going to 

I am very excited to be a part of this and hopefully it won't be the last one.  I will be posting a lot more as they get here!  Stay tuned!

Monday, January 27, 2014


Last year in January, I helped 9 kittens come up from a shelter in Florida.  They have 'kitten season' all year long as they don't really have winter down there.  I became friends with Dorian, who runs the blog  Her friend (and now mine too!) Stacey runs Good Karma Pet Rescue in south Florida (  Together we picked out 9 kittens to send up here to the Frozen Tundra.

Word got out that these babies were heading up this way.  There were 4 additional cats that were added for other people along the way.  I started posting about them on the rescue website and Simba was wanted right away.  He would go home to his new family the moment he got here.  He was a sweet cat.  I fostered 4 of them and another foster home fostered the other 4.  I had ...



 Ellie and Emmie


There were also Bingsley who was a black short hair, Martin and Marley who were graybies (as the gray babies were affectionately called), and Buzz who was a brown tabby.  They were all adopted within a month of being here.  Kittens are almost never heard of in Wisconsin in the winter.  It was nice to be able to help these kittens out.  

I am happy to say that I was able to help again this year!  The rescue agreed that we could take in 9 again this year including a mama cat with her kittens!  Here's a sneak peek at them!

Lily and Daisy are in the process of getting new names as the rescue already has cats with those names.

I will be posting about the cats when they arrive.  They are due to arrive Feb 15th.  There will also be some more exciting news then but you'll have to wait and see! :) (No, I'm not getting another cat haha)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Chew

My best friend's barn cats each had a litter of kittens.  I asked if we could take them in and was given a 'yes' if I could be a foster home and find another.  I did both.  Thelma and Louise and their kittens came into care.  They were about 5 or so weeks old and some of them weren't doing so well.  I took Thelma and the 4 tiniest, sickest kittens.  I had 3 boys and a girl.  Louise went to another foster home with her kittens, also 3 boys and a girl.  I mentioned before that I had a tough time naming kittens.  They went nameless for a bit.  One of them I called batman because his ears were pointy and, well, he reminded me of batman.  It wasn't what I wanted to name him but it worked.

Einstein, Newton, Pascal and Archimedes

I finally decided on a name for my crew.  I decided to name them after the hosts of The Chew, a tv show that I am a big fan of.   Clinton Kelly, Daphne Oz, Mario and Carla.  Only 2 of them used their formal names.  Thelma was such a great mama to her babies.

I never had a mama cat before, so this was a new experience for me.  Thelma was such a great mama.  She was also such a loving cat.  She had a little bit of a kitty cold so she was getting some medicine to help her.  I really enjoyed watching her interact with the babies.  It also made for some great photo opportunities. 
The kittens grew and were starting to play and not needing their mom so much.  It was time for Thelma and Louise to head out to be spayed.  Then they both spent time at the adoption center to recover.  After that, they headed back to my friend's house to live.  They are so well taken care of and have the best life there.  A lot better than most inside cats have it.  They are well loved and protected.  

The kittens started getting crazy and it was about time for them to be spayed/neutered.  Pictured above are Daphne (black) and Carla (tabby).  

Mario had some really cool fur.  It was called Black Smoke.  It was so pretty and very unique.  Above is Daphne on right, Mario on left.

Daphne and Clinton were best friends and Mario and Carla were best friends.  They both were adopted in pairs.  It was pretty cool.  Clinton got pretty sick after he was adopted.  He later died, which is really sad.  He was such a wonderful, funny, loving kitten and had a wonderful home with his family, even if it was just for a short time.

I leave you with this last picture.  I sent in a picture of the pairs of cats to Twitter.  

I got that picture in return.  Daphne on the left, Clinton on the both pictures.  I was so excited!  They are imitating the kittens lol.  It was a nice group of kittens and mamas and I am glad I could help my best friend with this.   

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I had a few cats that just came here to visit for the weekend or stay for a week for some social time.

 Jack and Jill came to me to stay for socialization.  Jack was outgoing but Jill was shy.  They both were getting over a cat cold and on meds.  They later went to the adoption center and were adopted by an awesome couple from Door County.  They live the good life now in a home with huge windows and an amazing view.
Cookie came to stay with me over a week just to get a break from things at the center.  She was the first foster cat I have had to find the window.  It's up higher than a normal window and usually I have kittens who can't figure it out.  Cookie was adopted by a volunteer's mother and has a cat brother.  She's doing well.

I am running out of foster cats.  It feels like I have fostered a lot more but I guess not.  Maybe it just seems like a lot.  I will have to think of something else to write about when I am done.  New adventures in rescue? My own cats?  I will have to wait and see what moves me.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bridget Jones

There was an acquaintance of mine who knew I was a volunteer in rescue.  She had messaged me saying she found a kitten on the side of the road and it had bit her and could I take it in?  It was a big pain in the butt because she went to the emergency room to make sure she didn't have rabies from the bite.  That meant that either the kitten would have to be put down or we could take it but I would have to go to the vet 3 times in 10 days to make sure it was  fine.   When I went to meet her, there was this itty bitty kitten.  She was all of a pound, maybe.  I asked to see the bite, expecting to see an actual bite.  What I saw was a tiny scratch.  I rolled my eyes and took the kitten home.  She meowed and was annoying so I named her baby Bella 2.  I set up the kennel in my foster room and got her some food and water and litter and she was to camp for the night.

As you can see, I wasn't quite prepared for her arrival.  She did great though.  I took her in for her 3 checks and she was good to go.  She started gaining weight and her colors were coming out.  She was a really pretty cat.  There was one problem though.  Every time I called her Baby Bella, MY Bella would meow on the other side of the door.  So, I had to think of a new name for her.  I am the worst when it comes to naming cats.  I came up with Bridget.  That was the only name I could think of.

She was so tiny, but had such a huge personality!  Her colors were so unique, too!  She adored toys and loved being pet and brushed.  Soon after this, I added a second name to her list of names.

                                           Bridget Jones

Bridget's hair kept getting longer and she was growing a mane.  Turns out, she's a maine coon cat.  I don't know what that means but I do know, from checking it out, that their hair grows and changes colors throughout their life.  That's pretty cool.

Bridget was spayed and went to go live at the adoption center until she would be adopted.  I think Bridget is a very lucky cat.  She was adopted shortly after by my friend.  She has cat brothers and is the queen bee at her home :)  Here is a picture of her shortly after she went home.  So happy you are happy Bridget.

*Picture taken from my friend. lol  Bridget's new name is Bria.  Isn't she just beautiful?

Sunday, January 12, 2014


When I first started volunteering at the rescue,  there was this cat there named Luna.  No one wanted to adopt her.  She was one of those cats that didn't get along very well with other cats and needed to be an "only".  I made it my mission to get this wonderful girl a home.  She deserved it and I was going to do it.  I posted a lot about Luna.  On the social media pages, in email, and had an ad in the local paper.  Then one day....  They showed up.  This couple who had no cats or dogs, had grown children and wanted to meet Luna!!  She put on a very good show for this couple.  She loved them and they loved her!  It was magic! They applied for her and I approved the application.  They took her home and started sending me updates the same day.  They said it was like she always lived there.  She made herself right at home.  She became a lap cat! She is the sunshine in their lives and they thank me, each time they write, for the wonderful blessing that is Luna.

                                               This is Luna's pre-adoption picture

                                           watching birds with her family

Saturday, January 11, 2014

You can call me flower if you want to....

One of our volunteer's husbands works at a local garden center here.  On occasion they would find a random kitten or two in their greenhouse.  The rescue was asked if we could partner with them from time to time if there was a kitten in need and we agreed.  One day, during a really bad rain shower, I got a call about this little kitten who needed me.  My foster room was empty so I said yes.

This little spitfire kitten was in the crate.  She was orange.  I decided to name her Petunia because of where she came from.  She was a nervous, 5 month old kitten.

She had crusted on dirt on her nose and a scratch or two there also.  She spent most of her time in the crate, so I put a fluffy blanket in there.  She would let me pet her and spend time with her, so I knew she wasn't feral and that she would be adoptable.

Her fur was rough and she was underweight.  She needed some good, high quality food and some love.  She got both.  When she would let me, I would wash her nose with a warm wash cloth to try to get the dirt off.  I loved her coloring.

After a few days with me, she started to warm up and would come by me.  She was very cautious, though.  She was happy to have a warm, dry place to live and we were happy to have her.  She loved to play with this feather wand that I bought for my cats.  They didn't care for it but she LOVED that thing.

So much that I had to take it out of the room with me when I left.  She wouldn't do anything else if that thing was in there.  I called it her bff wand.

Bella is always such a little mom to the fosters we have here long term.  Petunia was a single foster and so after a month of being here, she got to hang with the big kids.  She loved tormenting Bing.  She also LOVED to play.  This kitten could not get enough of playing.  She would choose to play over eating or sleeping.  Her nose was almost all the way healed and soon it would be time to get her spayed.

She then went to the adoption center to wait for her forever home.  Now here comes the fun part.  My friend and her partner were there "just looking".   I knew what "just looking' meant because the first time I was there, I was "just looking" also.  I was excited because they had just adopted a kitten from our rescue not so long before that.  I knew what great people they were and I wanted them to "just look" at Petunia.  I had a secret plan.  I knew that once they met her, they would love her (and her story) and take her home.  My plan worked!   She would have a wonderful home to spend her life in.  She would have a couple of cat sisters to hang out with and I couldn't think of a more loving home for her.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So no one told you life was gonna be this way.......

I am a big fan of the TV show Friends.  It was decided that the next group of babies I would get, I would name after the Friends TV show characters.  I was asked if I wanted to foster 4 boys.  All brothers.  All scared.  I decided what the heck.  After scared Lola, how hard could it be?

Cute, right?  I named them Joey (gray), Chandler Bing (black), Gunther (left orange) and Ross
(right orange).  They were very scared. Except Chandler.  He wanted attention all the time.  He was a funny,
 handsome and an extremely tiny little dude.

Joey was pretty shy but would come within reach to be pet.  He was so cute.  He always had a look on his face that said "How you doin'"  That's how I knew his name was Joey.

Gunther was sort of awkward and scared.  He was curious but found a safe haven in the blue circle.  He didn't think I could see him when he was in it.  I went along with it.  

And then there was Ross.  He was feral by all senses of the word.  He REFUSED to have anything to do with any sort of human contact.  He would hiss and growl and hide and run.  I was to "catch him and tough love" him.  Ha Ha!  

I spent a great deal of time in the foster room with all of them.  As time went on, Joey, Chandler and Gunther slowly got use to me and use to my picking them up and holding them.  Soon Joey and Chandler were comfortable with me being in there and Gunther was on his way to getting to that point.  I still didn't have Ross, though.  

I was so frustrated with Ross.  Cats LOVED me.  Why did this little 3 pound kitten not want to do anything but hiss and run away?  I kept working on all of them.  Chandler was the smallest.  When it came time for them to be neutered, Chandler had to stay behind.  He was 1 pound too small.  I made the mistake of letting him out of the foster room and into the 'general population'.  

I kept telling him that he didn't live here.  He was like 'whatever lady'.  The boys came back here to recover.  Then Gunther and Joey went to the center.  I am a little fuzzy when it comes to this part but for some reason I had Ross and Chandler here.  Joey and Gunther were at the adoption center.  Joey was adopted pretty fast. He turned into this very sweet little cat.  

One day, after many months of trying, I finally GOT Ross.  He came up to me and sat in my lap.  He let me pet him and he purred!!  I remember that day so well!  His reward was an open foster room door.  Chandler was all about that.  Ross was a little leary at first but then hopped on board!  He was snugly and playful and I really loved him.  I renamed him Milo and I was so close to keeping him.  

Almost.  Gunther was having a hard time at the adoption center, so Ross went back and hung out with him.  They were adopted by a very nice lady and I get to see them and their progress.  Gunther is now George and Ross is now Fred.  

That little spitfire named Chandler Bing?  He eventually went and got neutered and came back here for recovery.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to keep him.  I kept going back and forth on it.  A LOT.  Finally one day I got some courage and brought him to the adoption center.  I put him in a room and sat there for a minute.  He was scared.  I knew he would have been fine after a while but I couldn't leave him there.  I physically COULD NOT leave him.  I went back in, put him in his crate and came out and signed the adoption contract, paid my adoption fee and we went home.  

And that's how Chandler Bing came to live with us.   He is currently snuggled up in my arms purring away.  This is our nightly routine.  Chandler really enjoys tormenting his brother Sammy.  He loves his Sister Bella and Bella thinks Bing is her baby.  :)

This picture was taken the day I brought him back home from the adoption center.  I asked him,
"Chandler Bing, do you think it would be ok if you just lived here?" and this was his reaction. :)